Sharing our modern summer deck decor with boho touches and lots of texture to warm up the grey furniture, thanks to wood, and cozy decor pieces.

Today I’m excited to be sharing my deck all ready for summer! We built this deck last year and while I shared it last summer, it’s taken some time to really cozy it up. We’ve added a few touches that make it feel so much more welcoming and complete. You can see the full transformation (the before!) at this link here.
Not only am I sharing this space all ready for summer, I’m also sharing so many friends who have decorated their outdoor spaces to share with you all! You can find those all down at the bottom of this post as part of the Seasonal Simplicity Summer Series!

Since finishing this deck last year, I had been feeling like it was a little grey. I love the sofa we chose last year and the wood frame definitely helps warm things up, but that was the only warm touches until now. Speaking of the wood frame- it had definitely weathered over the year. I know it’s terrible but we don’t cover it.
We use it every day, multiple times a day. I took some time to sand the wood with an extra fine grit sandpaper and buff it with teak oil. I feel like I’ve finally hit the age where I perform proper maintenance on my furniture and it feels good, I’m not going to lie.

Other than maintenance… We did upgrade our summer deck decor. We’ve added this patterned but neutral rug to ground the space as well. This makes such an incredible difference in the indoor/outdoor living feel of the deck. It’s not too hot on the feet in the afternoon sun and adds some warmth and coziness. Even though it has grey tones in it as well, it has so much texture and some warmer taupe colours mixed in there as well.
We got one from the same line with a slightly different pattern for our lower deck as well and I love the continuity. I’ve rounded up 10 of my fave outdoor washable rugs (including these two!) right here.

The other big change is those wooden candle lanterns. I’m on the hunt for some solar candles to go inside them so I’ve just been using little tealights but oh my goodness, I can’t believe how much two little lanterns change the feel of a space!
The wood tones make the whole space feel more ‘complete’ and less grey. I just found these ones at Superstore this past month.

As for accessories, I kept it pretty simple. I love the planters we received from Article last year, so I planted those again. I’m working towards a cut flower garden this year (you can see a Vlog all about that here!) and so I decided to use the planters for dahlias as well- anything to fit one more plant ;)
The flowers in the vase are ones that I’ve grown in that cut flower garden! I’m just so in love with how the petals lit up in the evening sun.

I also added a light green throw- this one is actually from my living room but it gets pulled out here nightly. The soft green is perfect against the grey and wood! The candle is a citronella candle from Homesense- and that comes in every night as well. But only because we have vicious magpies that will eat the wax! I’ve never known birds to like candles so much but no candle is safe out here unattended!

I’m so happy with how these few small changes changed the whole feel of this modern deck space. This summer deck decor made it instantly feel so much more warm and cozy and inviting- exactly what we were envisioning.
I love throwing open the french doors to the living room and sitting out here in the evenings while we listen to the kids read in their beds. It’s the perfect way to be close enough to them without missing the magic of summer evenings.
I’ll leave it at that! You can check out my friends’ beautiful outdoor spaces linked below or if you’d like more of our outdoor spaces, you can see this full before/after here, our outdoor dining space here, and our brick patio space here!

Sharing Wednesday….

The Happy Housie // Joanna Anastasia // Cassie Bustamante // The Tattered Pew

Life is Better At Home // Tatertots and Jello // Finding Silver Pennies // Lemon Thistle

A Pretty Life // Dans le Lakehouse // Clean & Scentsible // Willow Street Interiors
Sharing Tuesday…

Inspiration for Moms // She Gave it a Go // Grace in My Space // Deeply Southern Home

Life is a Party // Nina Hendrick // Happy Happy Nester // Craftberry Bush

Maison de Cinq // Hallstrom Home // House by Hoff // My Sweet Savannah

Beautiful deck and gorgeous views!! I love that deck railing too.
What a gorgeous space! Love those cut flowers you grew too, well done.
What a cozy and gorgeous patio space Colleen! And that view…WOW!!
Gorgeous, Colleen!! And your view of the river is stunning! Such a great space to spend summer evenings! I’ve been eyeing up the sofa version of your sectional for our patio…. now I’m feeling like I need to press go on that! lol
I don’t even remember how I stumbled on your blog post, but this space is amazing. Every detail is so gorgeous. I clicked on the link of building the deck too. Its all so lovely.
Question: where do you live? I’m sure half of what makes it is your photography, but the water and hills, its stunning.
Thank you! Colleen lives in Kamploops, British Columbia :)