Some things take way longer than I expect them to. Let’s be honest- most things take way longer than I expect them to… especially since having our fourth babe! BUT today I’m excited to finally share our master bedroom makeover with you! This room has gone through a lot of mini updates and I’m happy to say that I *think* it’s almost done.
We did a major refresh on this space for our holiday feature, but I wanted to share it with you once all the holiday decorations were down. But then I took forever to actually take down our decorations (like… that just happened a couple weeks ago). THEN Shane got a TV for our bedroom. And my beautiful gallery wall got taken down and a TV hung in it’s place. So it’s taken me a bit of time to get this room tour together! I’m going to be chatting all about the different pieces of this room, but if you’re just looking for a source (where’d you buy that- what colour is that- that sort of thing), it’s all in one list down at the bottom as well :)
Let’s get started! I actually made a video for this post as well. It’s my first time trying a room reveal via video so if you have room decor videos or accounts you love on YouTube… share them with me! I’d love the inspiration :) I’ll embed that video below. First off… have you seen the ‘before’ of this space? We have done SO MUCH WORK in this house since we bought. The before of this room was golden wood and off white and so not what we were going for. There’s been lots of updates along the way (you can see those in the video) and I’m feeling really happy with where we’ve ended up. But even since photographing it last week, we got some new pillows (the king size ones we’d bought for sleeping on were just awful… but I kept them to have pillow shams on, I can’t help myself!). I don’t know that I’ll ever truly be DONE any space in our home.
We’ve come such a long way, hey?! You can see the ‘before’ on our whole home RIGHT HERE.
We’ve changed pretty much everything in here. New window, new doors, new trim, new paint, and new lighting. We even refinished the hardwood floors. The one thing that we didn’t change that I really wish we did change? That valance. We took out one in our dining room but left both our bedroom and our living room ones. If we end up with another house that has them in the future… they’re definitely coming out!
Alright… video time!

Now, let’s chat about the space. The first thing that you see when you walk into the room is our bed. We upgraded from a queen to a king in the fall and I’m totally in love with this thang. It’s solid wood from Leons Furniture (Pine Ridge King Bed) and I love that it’s a whole bed frame with a footboard- not just a headboard. This room is not a giant room… and the King bed pretty much fills it right up. But we are able to fit the cradle at the foot of the bed (I took it out to take the photos) so that’s all that we’re concerned about. I partnered with Quilts Etc. for new linens for the bed, and oh my gosh they’re so cozy!
Since we’d never had a king bed… we never had king sized bedspread! We used this opportunity to go for real deal linens… they’re SO soft and totally quality. I partnered with QE Home for these linens- I love that they are a truly Canadian Company. I think that store has been in my local mall since they built it! I’m in love with the Tencel Blend Sheets– they breathe so much more than sheets I’ve had in the past. The duvet cover is the Cabo Duvet Cover Set and the texture is really beautiful. I didn’t want any crazy patterns since the dark navy was a statement enough- but I did want a ton of texture and I love how the duvet cover gives exactly that. We just got a standard Simplicity Duvet and it’s been the perfect weight for us all winter (we keep our home pretty warm though). Speaking of bedspread… we decided to go WHITE! I love, love the look of white linens but we had them when we first got married and found that they got so dirty/grungy looking even with washing them regularly… and we’re not dirty people. I feel like I need to say that because if you’ve never had white linens I don’t know if you’d understand – haha!
Since then we’ve learned some laundry skills (9 years later :P) and thought we’d give white another chance. That said… if you have any tips for us… share away!
We added some giant pillows from Homesense for decoration as well as some older ones we were using in the basement before. I’m really in love with these big pillows when it comes time to watch TV- they’re perfect to lean against!). The more subtle patterns and textures of these throw pillows feel so much more mature/classy than the brightly coloured pillows we had on here before.
We chose matching nightstands (Pine Ridge Night Table) this time around and are loving how deep these drawers are for storage. We don’t have that many things that need to go in our night tables so use them to store some books we’re reading and filing stuff (one day we’ll have an office!). The nice thing about such big drawers is that we can store the things that I’d normally leave out on the nightstand. Like kleenex and chapstick and tv remotes. The we can leave decor type stuff on the nightstand without feeling like there’s no room for a cup of water.
For nightstand decor, We kept it simple. Shane has his bible with a geometric polar bear (from Urban Barn holiday collection). We’d bought him a geometric rhino ages ago and the kids broke it- so this was part of his Christmas gift (the nightstand and the alarm clock there were the rest of the gift… I like to theme things and I just. can’t. help. it). The alarm clock is fun, isn’t it? He had this awful old clunky thing with red numbers. It was my least favourite thing in our room so he told me if I could find a nice one, I could replace it. I found this one right here on Amazon and we’re really happy with it! It’s rechargeable so it doesn’t always need to be plugged in which is nice for travel if you want. And it’s a mirror for travel, but honestly… we haven’t tried that.
On my nightstand, I have a vase of eucalyptus… it just smells SO GOOD! And I have my clock and a candle that I love to burn when I’m up nursing or working at night. That’s another thing big drawers are good for… lighters- ha! The macrame wall hanging was a DIY of mine that I didn’t make a tutorial for. I just thought there are 1 million and 1 tutorials for macrame out there and video is the best way to learn. Since making it… I’ve obviously been making a lot more videos so maybe now I would take on a tutorial for that… would you guys be interested in that? In other news… this is the darkest corner and was so hard to photograph. But s’okay, no? And my pretty little clock. I actually love going to sleep to the sound of the tick tock. But if that’s not your thing, you wouldn’t like this one ;)
For lighting… We kept the sconces (from Urban Outfitters) that we’ve had in here since the beginning because I’m still in love with them. If we were planning on staying in this house forever, I would totally wire them in to the walls instead of having the cords run down the wall. And editing these photos the cords bug me so much… but in every day life- they honestly don’t bug me at all. But since there are cords- we use these cord hooks to keep them straight and in place. If you are curious how to wire a plug in light into a hardwired light… I wrote a tutorial about that here. The main hanging light we have in here is also a plug in light (also from Urban Outfitters, but isn’t available anymore- This is the closest one I’ve found) that we hardwired in. The cost of plug in lights is just so much more affordable.
Flip around to check out the other side of the room… I thought I’d show you what’s going on over on that side wall. Not much… because like I said, there’s not much room to do things! I LOVE the look of those giant mirrors leaning up against a wall. But our room is tight with the king bed, so you’d bump into it all the time. I found this one that’s a bit smaller (from Homesense… on clearance #score) and the colour of the wood coordinated well with our bed and nightstands, so I snagged it. The downside is that there’s no hanging hardware. We hung it using this hangman hardware and so far so good! It was simple too. I will definitely be using that again if we have to hang something giant like this.
Also over here is my fave low-light plant, my snake plant. Which is kind of taking a beating there… we use it to prop the door open all the time and I’m thinking it doesn’t like being bumped around so often. That basket was $10 from London Drugs and I’m wishing I picked up a few of them when they were there. If you see them there again… please tell me? It’s the perfect plant basket!
And can I just talk about that rug for a hot minute? It’s SO SOFT! It’s a faux sheepskin from Homesense and I love the feel of them, but we have a couple white sheepskins (much smaller) and they don’t stay white with all the use and little (dirty) kids running around. This brown/grey is the perfect colour for the room and I don’t have to stress about it being stomped on. Because gumboots get worn in this house on occasion and I just can’t fight it. The other awesome thing about this rug is that it’s an irregular shape. With such a giant bed- it would be nice to have rug all around it, but area rugs that big are crazy pricy. This one was under $100 and I don’t feel like I compromised.
Theeeen there’s this wall. I’m mourning our gallery wall. But now that I’ve styled the dresser a bit and hung this plant… I’m moving past it. Having the TV there made me change things up on the dresser and I’m liking how it’s coming together. I’m not going to lie- having the TV up here for nursing baby and rocking babe to sleep late at night is all kinds of wonderful (prior to this, our only TV was way down in the basement). BUT I had been staring at that wall with no inspiration to make it beautiful. The wall is too small to really do a gallery around it… but it’s not so small that the TV takes up the whole space. I settled on a hanging plant to help fill out the space for now. This hanging planter was from Sears when they were closing out (but this one is similar). I just switched out the cord on mine for a suede cord from Michaels. I used the same cord for the curtain ties (I haven’t made a DIY tutorial for that… would you like one?). I’d kind of love to do three hanging planters here at staggered heights. Wouldn’t that be cool?
Having the TV there made me try something new with the dresser styling and I kind of love how it came together. Whenever I’m struggling with styling something (open shelving usually!) I always call my sister-in-law. She came in and we moved things around and swapped things out until we came to this. It’s so fun to have someone around who enjoys moving plant pots back and forth a few inches with me ;) Since the dresser is so long, I styled it into four little sections. I found when things kind of scattered along the long dresser, it made it look messy. Sectioning it off like this made it easier to style. I tried to add some height to fill the space around the TV by starting with these candle holders and adding a larger photo frame on the other side. The candlesticks are SO old and were a bright halloween orange when I bought them. I originally sprayed them black but last year gave them a coat of chalk paint (it was a tester, I really can’t remember which).
Since I prefer groupings of three, I added a plant with those candlesticks. I also added in a little faux airplant (hello Michaels! They have amazing ones right now) with the photo frame and candle on the stacked books. I like that the stacked books add some height to that little section. I have been putting coffee table books (ones I actually want to read, though!) on my Christmas and birthday wishlist for the past few years and am starting to have enough that they are making their way into my decor more regularly. These two I just got for Christmas so I’ve yet to crack them. I am such a slow reader.
And speaking of plants… there’s a couple more of them over there. I just can’t help it. I LOVE plants, you guys! Ha- my husband has told me our house is starting to look like a jungle but I love the way they bring life into a room. Plus they actually clean the air so it’s so great to have real ones around! These two are paired with my diffuser. I love this thang. I just started diffusing essential oils last year and they make such a difference in our home. My favourite is a healthy kids one- I can tell when it’s on if I have a cold, I breathe so much easier. I get mine from a company called Eden’s Garden which I LOVE. It’s not not as expensive as other oil companies and it’s not an MLM which I like but they do have a rad rewards program where you get points for referring friends. I’d love if you checked them out using my link :) And the diffuser! OHHHH this diffuser holds so much, so I don’t have to refill it too often which is amazing. I grabbed it off of Amazon for under $30.
Last but not least is that black geometric photo frame- I love that it’s freestanding for this space. I’d tried leaning things against the wall but it was just so awkward there. This one is perfect for the space… now I just have to find something to take it’s place on our shelves downstairs ;) I made up this brush lettered piece when I decided the frame should go there. I will probably replace it with something I love more down the road, but for now- it fills the space and I love the graphic black and white!
Alright, I always find room tours to be such long posts, so I’m going to stop it here. If I’ve missed anything that you’re curious about- feel free to pop it in the comments!
- Paint Colour: Unknown Legend from Beauti Tone
- Grid Feature Wall is a DIY- we loosely followed this tutorial using a contractors pack of trim from Home Depot Canada (about $50)
- Macrame Wall Hanging is DIY (no tutorial… would you be interested in one?)
- Bed & Nightstands: Leons Furniture (Pine Ridge King Bed / Pine Ridge Night Table)
- Faux Sheepskin Rug, Hanging Mirror, Metal Geometric Hamper: Homesense
- Basket for plant: London Drugs
- Cabo Duvet Cover, Tencel Sheets: Quilts Etc.
- Curtain Tie Backs are DIY (no tutorial- would you like one?)
- Hooks on Back of Door, Curtains, smaller plant pots: IKEA
- Large Decorative Pillows: Homesense
- Brown Throw Pillows: Target
- Navy Pillow: from a local boutique, I’ve had no luck finding it online
- Wall Sconces: Urban Outfitters (Eyeball Sconces)
- Hanging light: Urban Outfitters but isn’t available anymore- This is the closest one I’ve found
- Dresser is Vintage, painted in Krylon Chalky Finish Spray Paint in white- I wrote more about that HERE
- Hanging Planter: Sears (closed), this one is as similar as I could find- I switched out the cord on mine for suede
- Geometric Polar Bear: Urban Barn holiday collection (no longer available)
- Hexagon Alarm Clock: Amazon
- Wreath: DIY (no tutorial) using 2 holiday garlands from Canadian Tire
- Candle on Nightstand: Chapters Indigo
- Clock on Nightstand: Target
- Vase on Nightstand: Sears (closed), this one is similar
- On Dresser
- Gold Photo Frame: Homesense
- Black Frame: Umbra
- Wood Look (actually plastic) Diffuser: Amazon
- Copper Candle: Walmart
- Faux Air Plant: Michaels
- Candlesticks are second hand, painted in chalk paint
thanks for these videos, greetings from Colleen Pastoor
Beautiful bedroom. I love navy blue ! Thank you for an awesome video! The macrame wall hanging caught my eye when browsing. I was hoping you would either have linked the tutorial you used or had one of your own. I would love to see a tutorial on the macrame.
Thanks so much Jamie! I have been putting off editing that video for so long! Hopefully in the next couple weeks ;)
I’m curious how you find the closet doors. While I love the look of the solid doors, I’m unsure of the practicality of changing from sliding/bifold. I’d be curious to hear your experience.
We loved them! No issues with that at all as long as you have room to open them!
Beautiful room! I’m in love with the paint color. This is exactly the color I have planned for our master. You did an amazing job !
Thank you so much Jessica!
What paint finish did you-matte or satin? Did you have to shim any of the boards when attaching to the wall?
The paint was a satin finish.