One of the things I’ve always wanted to make a value in our home is celebration. Not just for birthdays or holidays, but for little things too. Like when Aubrey stopped biting her fingernails (that was brief), or when we have a movie night (they’re pretty rare here, so we make them a big deal!), or when you turn 3… and a half ;)
If you follow me on any social media… you’re probably thinking that these photos look old. And they are! I even had this post sitting written… for at least the past year and haven’t shared it! We’ve continued to do this every half birthday for both the twins and Win. We are loving this tradition and hopefully you do too!
The fall is such a crazy time in this house. We’re usually finishing up summer projects, just getting settled into school, starting dance class and whatever else, and oh- celebrating the twins birthday! Along with a few of their other cousins and closest friends. We always do a party (see all our kids parties here!) but last year we started celebrating half birthdays too. 6 Months later we mark their height on our measuring board and have this- half a cake(!) to celebrate. It’s just our family on a slow afternoon, talking about how much we’ve grown since we turned (3 or 4 or whatever) and it’s wonderful and everything a half birthday should be.
Since I’m not much of a baker… you know I love a good grocery store cake hack! You could totally do this with a cake you whip up from scratch (or a box mix if you’re on my level of homemaking) as well. And it’s SO simple to do. Once your cake is ready… just cut it in half and stack it! If you’ve done a layer cake… that will make it extra layerful and delicious. Then ice over the whole thing.
We decorated ours with (of course) sprinkles. I used a cookie cutter for the numbers and filled them with the sprinkles. Easiest cake I’ve ever decorated. So I promise you can muster it up for even a half birthday!
Tell me… Do you celebrate small milestones in your home? What’s one of the favourite things you celebrate that we might not yet?
Love this idea! Will do this for my son who is currently 8 months :)