Sharing our summer home tour full of fresh blooms from our garden, cozy neutral textures and family friendly pieces!

Summer feels like it’s almost here and I’m taking every opportunity to throw the doors open and enjoy the fresh air. There’s something about this spring transitioning to summertime that’s so exciting. The kids are outside playing as much as possible, the flowers are starting to bloom so the vases are full, and the daylight stretches for evenings on the patio. Even if it’s still with blankets ;)

Today I’m so excited to be joining some blogging friends for the Seasonal Simplicity Summer Home Tour. If you’re joining from House by Hoff, welcome! You can find the rest of the tours all linked at the bottom of this post- there’s so many beautiful ones as always!
For today’s home tour, I just focused on the main living area. It felt so good to give it a good clean and to clear the countertops after a few weeks of busy and clutter collecting. Beyond clearing things to our baseline tidy, I didn’t do much decorating for summer. I chat about this in most of my home tours these days, but there’s nothing more inviting, relaxing and beautiful than some clear countertops- ha!

As always, though… I do change a few things up with each season! I always change my letterboard in our entry and I always swap what’s in our vases. The letterboard quote seemed so perfect as this year I’m really leaning into gardening. I grew plants from seed this year and am patiently waiting for them to bloom! You can see the first of my anemones I grew from corms in the living room arrangement!
Yes, yes, I now notice the letterboard is crooked ;)

Speaking of flowers, I’m going to take this opportunity to chat about them, because I’m addicted to growing flowers and my husband is probably tired of me talking about it…
I have been blogging for 8 years and sharing our home tours for at least 5 of those. It’s become tradition for me to buy myself either a couple individual flowers or sometimes splurge on a bouquet as a reward to myself for giving the house a good clean each season and photographing it for a tour. It’s such a joy to have fresh flowers in my home.
I’ve been adding to my garden slowly since we moved in three years ago. Hellebores each year (I’m obsessed with how early these bloom and how LONG their season is!), peonies and japanese anemones have been doing really well here but I kicked it up a notch this year.

Over the past year, I’m sure like so many of you, I decided I was going to be a great gardener for the first time in my life. I ordered SO many seeds, you guys. And corms. And dahlia tubers. So this year my goal is to keep my vases full with flowers from my own garden all year long. So far, so good!
I have flowers in every room for the first time… ever and it smells so nice in here! My allergies are… a bit upset about it, but not as much as I am in love with the scent ;)

What else has changed since our last home tour? Well, the big one… we finished our primary bedroom! You can see the full tour right here, but I just love how much the dark walls of this space contrast with the bright white of the rest of our house.

We’ve also made some small changes, like our living room rug. We swapped out the chunky wool one for this washable one- I’d spent too many afternoons picking lego out of that other rug even though I truly love the look of it. If it looks familiar… it’s because we have the same one in our dining room too! Haha I looked through so many and just couldn’t find another I loved as much that was as easy to clean. I was worried it would be too boring to have the same, but it really helps the spaces flow and you don’t notice they match with everything else going on!

It’s such a treat having everything clean all at one time (such a rarity with 4 kids! ha!) and having the house smell like fresh flowers. I’m going to sign off for now and enjoy it… but first, here’s a few more photos!

If you’re looking for any sources/ more information on the spaces featured in this summer home tour, I’ve linked each of the specific room reveals here:
I so hope that you enjoyed our summer home tour- I love inviting you all into our home like this each season. If you’re looking for more summer home decor inspiration, I definitely recommend hopping around and checking out some of the Seasonal Simplicity Summer Home Tours I’m linking below! If you’re doing the tour in order, your next stop is over to Tanya at Dans le Lakehouse!
Sharing with me today…

A Pretty Life // My Sweet Savannah // Fynes Designs

House by Hoff // Lemon Thistle // Dans le Lakehouse
And sharing the rest of this week…

The Happy Housie // Inspiration for Moms // She Gave it a Go

Home Made Lovely // A Pop of Pretty // Life is a Party

Cassie Bustamante // Finding Silver Pennies // Deeply Southern Home

Nina Hendrick // Maison de Cinq // Clean & Scentsible

Life is Better at Home // Rambling Renovators // Hallstrom Home

Craftberry Bush // JoAnna Anastasia // Willow Street Interiors
I always love getting a tour of your home, your style and decorating is fantastic! And I’m with you on LOVING flowers in every room in summer…I can’t wait until my flowers are in bloom!
Looks awesome, Colleen! So together and finished! I hope you are enjoying it:) Thanks for being part of this series!
Your home is beautiful and I’m obsessed with all your flowers. My son and I planted a cut flower garden for the first time this year. It’s an interesting learning curve. I’m happy some of our flowers are growing!