Make your own hand lettered lightbox inserts for the holidays! Grab my cut files and make them using your Cricut!

I am SO excited to share today’s post. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time (since I got my hands on this lightbox!) and just never got around to it. I am so glad that Cricut bought in to my idea and partnered to bring this DIY to life! Meet my DIY handlettered holiday lightbox. I love switching out the phrases on my lightbox (this is the one I have) depending on the day and you already know I love to add handlettering to pretty much everything. This was bound to happen sooner or later!

I’m getting so excited for Christmas this year! I kind of feel like I skipped Christmas last year. Last Christmas I hardly decorated and skipped a lot of the traditions we had planned on continuing due to being super pregnant. On the 27th of December, the same day we would have been celebrating Christmas with Shane’s family, we welcomed our third babe- Windsor. It was such an exciting time that Christmas took a bit of a back burner. So I’m excited to actually decorate this house of ours, celebrate baby’s first Christmas, actually enjoy the traditions we’ve started for our family AND for the first time ever, I’m hosting our family Christmas dinner. It’s a big year!
My favourite tradition so far with our family (and the twins were right into it this year!) is decorating the tree with cocoa and holiday music. It’s the perfect introduction to the season. We’ve started a few others as well- it’s so fun to be able to pick and choose which traditions your kids will grow up with! A couple others that we’ve started include an activity based advent calendar (like this one and this one), decorating our outside shrubs like Christmas trees, a visit to Santa Claus (of course), and gingerbread houses with the cousins. I have a feeling we’ll be adding more over the years too. What are your favourite traditions? I just might steal them ;)

I’m actually thinking this lightbox might become a tradition of sorts. Holidays are really the only time we have out of town guests and I love that you can switch out the lightbox letters to welcome them by name! It will be so fun to switch up the names with the kids before each visit this holiday season. I love that my Cricut lets me cut out any shape at all- I have so much fun cutting my lettering to put on ALL the things.
I am sharing the whole step-by-step DIY over at the Cricut blog today (as well as some cut templates!), hop over and check it out!

Want the cut files?

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