I’m sharing some Christmas Tree Decorating tips today! Here is how we change up our Christmas tree colours easily and affordably- only using one box of coloured ornaments!

When I shared my frosted whites Christmas tree earlier this week, I mentioned I would be adding a colour in here. So today I’m excited to be sharing not just one colour option to change up the feel of this frosted whites tree but three! I’m joining in with my friend Christina from The DIY Mommy on her YouTube challenge, ‘2019 Christmas DIY and Decor Challenge’ to share a Decorate with me style video. I go from decorating the tree from scratch to changing the frosted whites tree to have a different colour theme easily… and without purchasing loads of new ornaments every year!
Growing up, I had a friend that had extravagant and gorgeous themed trees every year. They would deck it out in a different theme and start the planning in September. They were beautiful, but when I started buying ornaments of my own after Shane and I got married, I realized we wouldn’t be changing it up too much each year… because it wasn’t affordable! So I wanted to make sure I kept it attainable when I was changing up the colours on this one- just one shoebox of ornaments to change the whole feel of the tree.

We love the rustic but sparkly white tree as is- but adding in a little bit of colour changes it up from what we’ve had the past few years. Three years ago, this was pretty much how it looked (see that here! It was the best I’ve ever done this ribbon!) and last year I didn’t take any daylight photos I realized… because we were in major renovations but I added in some rose gold ornaments and this year? We’re adding in gold and green.
So the four different options you’ll see here are this frosted white Christmas tree, rose gold + burgundy, gold + green, and lastly a woodlands red. All of them except one have NO glass ornaments… because kids break things. Guess which one has glass? The one we chose this year! Why? That’s a great question. We’ll see how it goes. It’s been almost a week and no breaks so far, so wish me luck ;)

Since I’ve already written a blog post on the frosted whites tree (find that here!) I’m going to skip over that one in here. This was the jumping off point for all the other Christmas tree colour themes. I love that a neutral base like this looks so pretty with almost any colour combination. You could totally do a purple or a blue one on here too… or what other colours would you try for Christmas? I’m sure they would totally work here too!

Rose Gold + Burgundy Christmas Tree Decorations
I didn’t know what to call that darker colour. Burgundy? Maroon? Deep Purple? Plum? In hindsight, plum might have been the better choice but I already published the video so I’m not changing it! Last year we added in some subtle rose gold to our tree- like those pretty glittery snowflakes and tiny bells (both from Canadian Tire). I had purchased the rose gold and plum ornaments in that frosted, sparkly and shiny variety from Home Hardware last year for this project and thought this would look so lovely mixed in as well.

As with any decorating, I always add in the biggest ornaments first which in this case were those snowflakes. Then I added in the dark ones, the ones with the most contrast. I kept stepping back to look at the tree as a whole to make sure the darker ornaments especially were evenly spaced.
I love how subtle this option is- it’s classy but also a little bit different than the traditional Christmas colours.

I gave Aubrey this shoebox of ornaments and she’s decked out her little tree in her bedroom with these colours this year- which is why I have her name hand lettered on the one! You can see tips for that here. And you can see her bedroom decked for the holidays last year here. I decorated that because it was the only room in our house FINISHED that I could decorate for the blog- ha! Gotta love renovations.

Green + Gold Christmas Tree Decorations
I love, love this olive green colour of ornaments. I had gone to Michaels to see if I could get more of those flocked pine branches to put in the tree this year (they don’t sell them anymore- so sad!) and spotted this colour of ornaments and knew I wanted to risk glass ornaments for the first time in years. Isn’t it the perfect shade of green for our home? I think that they were on BOGO so I picked up a pack of the frosted looking ones and then a pack of this blotchy (? There must be a better word) ones. I hand lettered on a few (tutorial here) and left the rest blank.

I spaced these around the tree and added in some glittery gold ornaments that we had on our tree in previous years. I am SO not a glitter girl but something comes over me at Christmas time and I’m all about it.

I love this colour way and it amazes me how much this subtle colour addition changes the whole feel of our tree. I walk in to the room and stare at it. I sit and drink my coffee and stare at it. I mean, I always do that with my Christmas tree… but I definitely eye the colours more this year.

Woodlands Red Christmas Tree Decorations
Last year we ended up with a bunch of these woodlands creatures. Some are from Superstore from my mama and some are from Kitchen Stuff Plus. We love how fun these are and had them on our tree last year too, but this year we’re putting this shoebox of ornaments on our downstairs tree in the kids playroom.

Other than the woodland animals and gnomes, I have this red plaid fabric that I tied on the tips of the branches. I did this about 4 years ago for Christmas and I don’t think I shared it back then! This fabric is sentimental to me because my grandpa used to have my grandma take the sleeves off of all of his shirts for the summer so my grandma has heaps of plaid fabric scraps. Years ago, we made some plushies out of some of it and I held on to a bit more. I love how casual these little plaid touches are in the tree and it definitely adds some bright colour to the decor!

I actually love, love this tree as well. If we decide to go back to traditional Christmas colours, this is totally how we’d do it. I love the sentiment behind it too!
Alright! Those are the 4 different colourways on our one Christmas tree! All using just one box of coloured ornaments to change it up. I LOVE having this base of neutral ornaments to play with each year- it takes the stress out of wanting to switch up our colours!

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