Rounding up 13 beautiful free printables and activities to keep the creativity coming when you’re stuck inside.

Today I’m feeling the need for a little creativity but also feel like starting from scratch is a lot of pressure, you know? So a little printable starter to get me going is just what I need. And 13 of them? I’m really going to print them all off and have them ready for when I need it.
I thought I’d share some of the free printables I’ll be using over these next few weeks to enjoy slow, easy creativity while I’m spending more time at home. I hope you enjoy them and print a few off to get creative with! As always, if you do- I’d love to see ;)
There’s some printables from my blog and some from friends I’ve met over the years blogging. Find them linked below.
ONE: Okay so I originally made this one for a party… which I’m sure isn’t why you’re here- ha! But this printable Morse Code Decoder would make for so many fun secret messages! Print it out and leave it for your family to find and figure out.
TWO: One of my favourite things to do when I’m feeling the urge to get creative and need a kick start is a hand lettering practice sheet! Like this little Love Bug Printable Practice Sheet.
THREE: This Sweet Dreams colouring sheet is a fun one to do… before bed? I don’t know guys, I’m already running out of words.
FOUR: This Faith Over Fear printable practice sheet even includes an example finished layout! Hop over to my friend Dawn Nicole’s blog to snag it.
FIVE: I LOVE this quote. And so does my friend Erin from Printable Crush. She made not one… but three versions of this Darkness Cannot Drive Out Light quote printable practice sheet!
SIX: This one’s not a printable but it’s such a fun tutorial on how to watercolor floral wreaths! Inkstruck Studio is such a beautiful watercolourist- you’ll love her tutorials! I just googled to make sure ‘watercolourist’ is a word since it’s underlined in red in my backend… google agrees with me.
SEVEN: A watercolour silhouette tutorial! I share the bunny silhouette as a free printable for this one and then teach how to do a fun watercolour wash with a couple colours in the silhouette. What shapes should be next?
EIGHT: It’s another hand lettering practice sheet! And this one is for mermaids. Can you tell that I love these? I have another one coming later this week because as I was printing them out, I realized I really don’t have enough non seasonal ones to entertain myself over the next couple of weeks ;)
NINE: You’ve Got This! Encouraging printable tracer from my friend Liz On Call.
TEN: We be dreaming of beach days ;) This is another hand lettered colouring sheet for you!
ELEVEN: These aren’t to get you artsy creative… more like conversation creative if you’ve run out of things to talk about. These talk time printable conversation starters have some fun ones! And they’re pretty! My friend messaged me last week to say she printed them off for her coffee table and I LOVE that idea. Steal it ;)
TWELVE: This iSpy is so pretty it doubles as a colouring sheet. Hop over to my friend Fox and Hazel to grab it.
THIRTEEN: Last but not least? One more colouring sheet! It’s been a while since I’ve made this bloom colouring sheet… should I make some new ones?
Hope you enjoy all these printables! I’d love to hear your favourites :)
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