So, Easter snuck up on me! I was so busy stuffing my face with grilled cheese sandwiches that I didn’t realize it is HERE already. I wanted to do some Easter DIYs and thought eggs are the best Easter DIY out there.
I was so inspired by Alexis‘ post on marbled paper that I thought marbled eggs were the way to go. I was pondering how I could get that effect on eggs when I remembered this pin to marble your nails. Ding ding ding. So I ran to my computer and Googled marbled eggs and it turns out I’m not the first to try it (of course) and what’s more, nail polish is clearly the way to go! Henry Happened posted a black and white version this year and a super colourful version last year. I decided to go with a more subdued palette and give the DIY a pastel touch.
I just love how they turned out! I love the subtle all over colour with the swirls of brighter purples and blues. These would make a lovely place setting too- I wrote names on mine with gold paint pen, then set them in Easter Nesting in bowls. I made the nesting out of plain white paper streaked with the nail polishes I used for marbling.It’s pretty easy too- just a wee bit smelly. Get a cup of room temp water that you don’t mind tossing. Start dropping nail polish into the cup and then swirl it with a toothpick. My nail polish dried pretty quickly so I ruined the first one taking pictures (ugh). Move quickly and dunk your egg, then place face up to let it dry. You’ll need to use another toothpick to gather all the polish. I had a clear film left over my water I needed to scoop out with a toothpick before I could do another one.
Henry Happened has some great tips and a more detailed DIY, so hop over if you’re going to give it a try!
Did you decorate eggs this year? I’d love to see what you’ve done- leave a link below!
I love this idea! Your eggs turned out to be so pretty! If I were having people over I would definitely do this.
That turned out so pretty! I definitely will try this. Maybe this weekend!
I’d love to see them if you do!
this is gorgeous!!! why why why did i not read your blog last week? you should see the mess of easter eggs i made.. oh wait.. i didn’t even take a picture :)
I had some pretty messy ones too! That’s the fun part of Easter eggs, right?
This is so neat! I don’t have anyone to decorate Easter eggs with, but I would be just fine decorating these all by myself! :)
I definitely tackled this one by myself during naptime. Friends would have made it so much more fun though.
These look really cool. I’m usually not the paranoid type but I know my little ones would put these straight into their mouths. Lol. Maybe when my little ones aren’t human vacuums I’ll try these out. These are the coolest eggs I’ve ever seen anywhere.
Haha! I could definitely see that happening. My kids get the plastic kind to hunt for, these are just for me ;)